How To Add/Import Images
You can easily add images or photos into SketchWow. The following formats are supported: jpg, png, svg and animated gif or png. Best of all, you have 3 options!
Add Image Option 1: Drag-N-Drop
To import an image, simply drag-and-drop your image file right onto the SketchWow canvas like this...
Add Image Option 2: Copy/Paste
See an image you want to use online? Just right-click the image like this and select Copy Image:
Next, right-click your mouse on the SketchWow canvas and select "Paste Image" like this...
Presto! Your image is pasted right into SketchWow, ready to use. Crop using the guides around the image. DONE!

Add Image Option 3: The Ole Trusty Image Import
If you'd prefer to import images like we did back in 2004, we got ya covered there too.
Simply click the Add Image tool on the left menu and you are good 2 go!
See? Told ya this was easy :-)